Strata Global

What is the importance of slope protection?

Slope protection is a critical aspect of engineering and environmental management aimed at safeguarding slopes from erosion, instability, and failure. It involves the implementation of various measures to maintain the stability of slopes and prevent accidents or damage. Slopes with higher inclinations or erodible soils require more attention and protection measures like erosion control blankets, turf reinforcement mats, slope drains, gabion structures, and cellular mats.

Let’s look deeper into the importance of slope protection:

Prevent detachment or sliding of materials:

The main goal of slope protection is to reduce detachment or uncontrolled soil and rock movement on the slope face. This approach minimizes the occurrences of landslides that usually take place in areas with unstable slopes.

Maintain physical integrity of artificial slopes:

Construction activities for infrastructure development, agriculture, and mining often entail the creation of slopes. Improper slope protection leads to these slopes being vulnerable to erosion,weathering and collapse.

Protect human safety:

Natural slopes that are in close proximity to populated areas present a potential hazard if left unprotected. Slope failures in such areas can be threatening to human life. Landslides triggered by heavy rainfall or seismic activity near residential areas may result in property damage and loss of life.

Minimize environmental impact:

Slope protection is detrimental in environmental conservation efforts as it curbs erosion of soil and rocks. Slope failures can lead to soil erosion and sedimentation in water bodies. This in turn can impact the aquatic ecosystems.

Protect infrastructure:

Roads, buildings, and other man-made structures are at the most risk when constructed near unstable slopes. Implementing measures to ensure slope stability maintains the long-term integrity of infrastructure and lowers maintenance costs.

Mechanical Causes of Slope Failure

The stability of a slope relies on a balance between the shear strength of the soil and the shear stress acting upon it. A disruption in this balance results in slope failure.

Decrease in shear strength of soil:

Shear strength represents the soil’s capacity to withstand deformation and sliding along internal planes. A comprehensive set of factors contribute to a decrease in shear strength.

Increased pore water pressure:

Heavy rainfall or rising groundwater can increase pore water pressure within the soil. This causes a reduction in the effective stress holding soil particles together which weakens the soil’s shear strength.  Highly impermeable clays face slower pore pressure changes when compared to permeable soils, affecting long-term stability in slopes.


Stresses exceeding the soil’s tensile strength can result in cracking near the slope crest. These cracks decrease the overall shear strength of the soil.


Over-consolidated varieties of clay soil expand upon contact with water. Swelling decreases the shear strength of the soil and makes it more unstable.

Decomposition of clayey rock fills:

Claystone or shale used as compacted fill material can decay over time when exposed to water. Such a breakdown creates loose clay particles that swell and fill gaps within the fill, lowering its overall shear strength.


Highly malleable clays undergo sustained deformation under perennial environmental loads. Gradually, even low shear stresses can lead to creep effects in the soil.  Freezing-thawing cycles or wetting-drying cycles can result in creep.

Increase in shear stress on the soil:

Even if the soil’s shear strength remains constant, an increase in shear stress can destabilize a slope. Factors contributing to this increase include:

Loads at the top of the slope:  Adding more weight to the top of a slope creates a surplus of the shear stress acting on the underlying soil.

Water pressure in fractures:  Water that fills cracks at the top of a slope creates added hydrostatic pressure that loads the soil and elevates shear stress. This can also mean a buildup in pore pressure which occurs when the water remains trapped inside the cracks.

Rapid drawdown:  A drop in the water level at the base of a slope can undo the stabilizing effect of the external water pressure. A fall in external water pressure leads to added shear stress, particularly if pore pressures don’t adjust quickly enough. This phenomenon is known as rapid drawdown.

Earthquakes: Slopes experience vertical and horizontal accelerations due to seismic activity that induce variations in stress. These increases in stress can reduce the slope’s stability during the earthquake event.

The Critical Importance of Slope Protection

Given the instability of slopes caused by various geological factors, slope protection measures are imperative to ensure the continued stability of man-made and natural slopes. Implementing these measures is crucial for several reasons:

Preventing landslides and slope failures:

Unprotected slopes are prone to landslides that endanger human life and property. Landslides disrupt infrastructure functionality, and cause drastic economic and environmental damage.

Protecting infrastructure and property:

Infrastructure made for human functioning like roads, buildings, and transportation networks are often constructed near slopes. Unstable slopes pose a direct threat to these structures. Slope protection measures safeguard against such threats and provide essential stability for these critical assets.

Maintaining ecosystem health and biodiversity:

Slope failures have adverse ecological effects on their surroundings. Erosion due to landslides leads to sedimentation in waterways, disrupting aquatic ecosystems and polluting water quality. Landslides can also destroy vegetation cover and disrupt natural habitats, negatively impacting biodiversity.

Community safety:

Populations living near slopes are vulnerable to potential dangers from landslides and slope failures. Effective slope protection strategies are essential in dealing with these risks. We can minimize the likelihood of catastrophes and create safer living environments.

Methods of Slope Protection

Slope stability needs a careful analysis of the area that needs to be stabilized and a strategic combination of techniques that address various destabilizing factors. Here’s an overview of the methods employed in slope protection:

Bioengineering Techniques:

Vegetation: Planting an array of grasses, shrubs, and trees on slopes provides a natural and aesthetically pleasing solution. The roots of these plants bind soil particles together and improve overall slope stability. Vegetation also works in intercepting rainfall and reduces its erosion potential.

Non-perforated geocell:

The non-perforated geocell is made from a polymer sheet and has a three-dimensional structure with no holes in its walls. These geocells are filled with sand, gravel, and clay to expand and support the weak subgrade. The prominent feature of this geocell is that it can be freely folded and stretched depending on the area in which it is being installed. The non-perforated geocell is easy to install and light in weight. These do not react to chemicals as they are aging. They are skid-resistant and do not deform when exposed to excessive load and pressure. They are best used to stabilise the railway bed, construct roads, reinforce river soil, construct bridges, and retaining walls. 

Green fascia for new roadways using StrataGrid™ uniaxial geogrids and StrataWeb® geocells
Green fascia for new roadways using StrataGrid™ uniaxial geogrids and StrataWeb® geocells

Strata Geosystems counters the threats to slope stability through a combination of StrataGrid™ geogrids and vegetated facings. StrataGrid™ geogrids reinforce the slope, while the vegetated facing utilizes the stability plant roots provide to the soil. Vegetated slopes provide an aesthetically pleasing approach that integrates with the landscape while also preventing erosion.

Erosion control blankets:

Erosion control blankets are biodegradable mats, often made from natural fibers or synthetic materials. They are applied to exposed slopes where they act as a temporary protective layer, shielding the soil from erosion.On top of that erosion control blankets can promote seed germination and facilitate plant growth.

Strata Geosystems offers a comprehensive solution to control erosion on slopes with its state-of-the-art StrataWeb® geocells. The solution is more sustainable and permanent when compared to traditional erosion control blankets. The cellular confinement system uses a geogrid that is expanded on-site and filled with soil, concrete, or crushed rock. This infill material is encased within the StrataWeb® honeycomb structure, constructing a stable and erosion-resistant barrier. These geocells offer high durability, can withstand extreme weather conditions and also improves the green cover as it is infilled with topsoil and seeds.

Structural Measures:

Geogrids: Geogrids are a fundamental component of structural measures for slope protection, offering reinforcement and stabilization to slopes facing erosion or instability. StrataGrid™ uniaxial geogrids and StrataGrid™ Biaxial (SGB) geogrids manufactured by Strata Geosystems are utilized in various slope protection applications to enhance the stability of reinforced earth slopes with face angles up to 70 degrees. These geogrids are laid horizontally back from the slope face to stabilize the slope and prevent erosion, providing a cost-effective and efficient solution for reinforcing steep slopes.

Tackling slope failures with sustainable StrataGrid™ solutions
Tackling slope failures with sustainable StrataGrid™ solutions

Drainage systems using geotextiles: Water  is known as an enemy in civil engineering for its ability to wreak havoc on infrastructure. Any kind of water infiltration weakens soil and increases pore water pressure, which contributes to slope failure. To prevent this engineers must ensure that solutions are applied which actively drain water. Here, geotextiles are a good option. They offer 4 benefits: drainage, separation, and filtration and reinforcement. Slopes in particular are susceptible to run off. Geotextiles act as a separation layer between soil zones, preventing clogging of drainage systems. Their filtration ability allows water to pass while retaining soil particles.These permeable blankets allow water flow, and provide tensile strength, too.

Conventional drainage systems rely on extensive gravel layers, which are resource-intensive. StrataTex HSR™ and StrataDrain™ acts as a high-flow filtration layer and effectively separates soil particles from water. This forms an efficient drainage system which also prevents clogging. StrataDrain™ reduces pore water pressure and safeguards against slope instability, by promoting water flow away from the slope face. Depending on the kind of reinforcement needed, we also offer uniaxial and biaxial geotextile products for projects which may need strength and drainage, both.

Strata Geosystems is a frontrunner in technical textiles that provides geosynthetic solutions for global infrastructure projects. The company maintains its position as a leading geotechnical engineering firm, trusted by engineers and contractors for its sustainable and cost-effective products like StrataGrid™ and StrataWeb®.  The services Strata provides are ISO-certified and utilize GAI-LAP accredited laboratories for rigorous quality control. With an expertise in soft soil stability and erosion control, Strata offers end-to-end solutions for applications like retaining walls and highway embankments.

What are some successful slope protection cases of Strata Geosystems?

We are recognized leaders in geosynthetic manufacturing and geotechnical engineering and offer a vast portfolio of solutions to address various slope stability challenges. These cases highlight the effectiveness of Strata’s geosynthetics and their steely commitment to providing tailor-made solutions for the challenges their clients face.

Donzi, Atlanta Georgia In USA

The Donzi Landfill in Atlanta, Georgia was adversely affected by population growth and rampant development activities. This demanded a raise in landfill capacity, but the landfill was hemmed in by existing properties. Outward or a vertical expansion were not viable options for the area. Building traditional containment embankments with gentle slopes (typically 3:1 or flatter) required more space than what was at hand. What made the situation more complicated was the presence of high-tension power lines traversed the landfill that created a safety hazard for dump trucks operating near the slopes.

Strata Geosystem’s StrataSlope™ emerged as an answer that dealt with these limitations. This reinforced soil containment system utilized geogrids to create stable slopes at steeper angles than most conventional methods. In the Donzi project, StrataSlope™ helped in the construction of slopes with a 1V:0.3H inclination for the initial landfill area. A steeper inclination like such maximized the usable space within the existing footprint.

Reinforced soil structure for landfills with StrataSlope™ System
Reinforced soil structure for landfills with StrataSlope™ System

The vertical expansion section of the project presented another opportunity to employ StrataSlope™. An earth embankment with a 1V:1H inner slope provided stability to the structure. The outer side of this embankment faced the same spatial constraints and safety concerns related to the power lines. A 1V:0.5H reinforced soil slope with a stone-filled steel wire basket fascia was constructed on the outer face. This steeper slope with added protection reduced the area where dump trucks needed to operate near the power lines, improving safety for workers.

The Donzi Landfill expansion project is a testament to the effectiveness of StrataSlope™ in overcoming complex engineering challenges.   This case study shows how innovative reinforced soil technologies can play a role in achieving sustainable and safe landfill expansion projects.

Aamby Valley: Rapid Slope Stabilization with StrataWeb Geocell

The courtyard area in front of a bungalow at Sundesha Properties faced severe erosion due to heavy monsoon rains. The erosion had reached a point where soil collapse threatened the structural integrity of the building.  A permanent solution was necessary before the next monsoon season, leaving little time for construction.

Earth retention and soil stabilisation using StrataWeb® geocells
Earth retention and soil stabilisation using StrataWeb® geocells

Conventional retaining wall solutions, like masonry gravity walls or reinforced concrete walls, were deemed impractical due to the short timeframe. Strata Geosystems proposed a rapid and cost-effective solution – a geocell gravity wall system. The StrataWeb® Geocell was an integral part of this operation. Engineered perforations and deep texturing optimize drainage and frictional characteristics which are vital for swift stabilization. The cellular confinement system it possesses effectively contains infill material, minimizing spreading and erosion on slopes. To add to it, the geocell’s rapid installation capability ensured effortless deployment. This innovative approach utilized high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geocells with a depth of 300mm and weld spacing of 356mm. The modular nature of the geocell system allowed for quick construction of a retaining wall stretching over 70 meters with a height of 3 meters.

The geocell gravity wall was composed of stacked and infilled geocell panels. The design considered the surcharge loads and ensured stability against overturning for each panel. Perforations within the individual geocells helped drain any subsurface water, preventing the buildup of pore water pressure behind the wall. A seismic analysis was also conducted to ensure the wall’s performance during potential earthquakes.

The StrataWeb® geocell gravity wall system was constructed within a week, meeting the critical deadline well before the monsoon season. This rapid and cost-effective solution stabilized the slope, eliminated the risk of further erosion, and protected the structural integrity of the bungalow.

What are the types of slope failures prevented by geosynthetics?

Geosynthetics offer a multitude of benefits  for slope stability, helping avoid several potential erosion risks. Here are some of the types of slope failures curbed using geosynthetics:

Shallow surface failures:

Geotextiles are used to combat surface erosion which is a major contributor to shallow slope failures. The geotextile functions as a separation layer, arresting the migration of fine soil particles that can weaken the slope surface.  Geotextiles can also act as a filter, allowing water to drain while retaining soil particles, thereby reducing surface erosion caused by water flow.

Rotational failures:

Geogrids can be plied in soil reinforcement within the slope mass, improving resistance to rotational failures. The geogrid’s cellular structure traps soil particles, creating a composite material with improved mechanical properties. This helps the slope resist the driving forces that can cause it to rotate about a critical point.

Internal shear failures:

Water trapped within a slope can drastically reduce its stability.  Geosynthetics take care of internal shear failures by improving drainage and reducing pore water pressure. 

Facing instability:

Steeper slopes may require some form of facing to prevent surface erosion. Geosynthetics can be used in facing systems, such as mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls, to better their functioning. Geogrids reinforce the soil behind the facing elements, while geotextiles behave like a separation layer and filter within the MSE wall.

Regardless of the failure regime, the designer must analyze numerous failure surfaces and isolate that surface which generates the least factor of safety for stability. Strata makes tools available to designers that allow easy selection of primary and secondary reinforcements. When in consultation with our team of experts, customers have come to expect truly eco-friendly and cost-effective geotechnical solutions. With a broad spectrum of innovative, high-quality products, precision-engineering, and timely, failsafe installation, surpassing customer expectations has become par for the course at Strata.

Beyond supplying products and designing engineering solutions, Strata also offers fully integrated construction capabilities, and both general and specialized contracting in select global markets. To learn more about us and how we can benefit your construction projects, please reach out to our team for expert consultation and guidance. Click here to contact us and discover how we can help you achieve resilient, efficient, and environmentally conscious infrastructure development.

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Harold W. Hill, Jr

Director, President – Glen Raven Technical Fabrics

Strata/Glen Raven tenure: 10 years/28 years
Total industry experience: 35 years

MBA – Wake Forest University


Directs the strategic direction of Glen Raven’s automotive, protective apparel, military, geogrid, outdoor and logistic businesses.

J. Craig Bell

Director, General Manager, Strata Inc.

Strata/Strata Inc. tenure: 3 years/14 years
Total industry experience: 25 years

MBA – Georgia State University


Led the integration of Strata Inc. business operations into the headquarters of GRTF and transition from USA based to India based manufacturing.

Ashok Bhawnani


Strata tenure: 17 years
Total industry experience: 47 years



Played a key role in the establishment of Strata’s India operations. Provides vision for product innovation and leveraging new technology trends.

Phil McGoldrick

Global Technical Sales Director

Strata tenure: 7 years
Total industry experience: 32 years

Civil & Geotechnical Engineer (First class)

Provides highly technical and innovative civil engineering solutions in India and around the world. Responsible for the design and execution of large-scale geotechnical projects around the world including Australia, Asia, Europe, Africa, Middle East, and South America.

Shahrokh Bagli

CTO – Chief Technology Officer

Strata tenure: 9 years
Total industry experience: 48 years

BTech (Hons), MTech (Civil) Both IIT Bombay, DMS (Bombay University), FIE, FIGS, Chartered Engineer


Streamlines the designs of Geosynthetics and has brought innovation in geogrid and geocell design application.

Mujib Katrawala

COO – Projects and Sales

Strata tenure: 13 years
Total industry experience: 24 years

MBA – University of Gujarat


Leads the monetization of products and solutions while ensuring highest execution quality and project profitability.

Chandrashekhar Kanade

COO – Technical Textiles

Strata tenure: 13 years
Total industry experience: 33 years

BE (Mechanical) – Nagpur University


Drives excellence in process design, product features and cost effectiveness in production.

Govind Keswani

CFO – Chief Financial Officer

Strata tenure: 8 years
Total industry experience: 35 years



Leads the finance, accounting, taxation, commercial, legal and IT functions and assisting on all strategic and operational matters.

Gautam Dalmia

CDO – Chief Development Officer

Strata tenure: 10 years
Total industry experience: 13 years

MBA – ISB, Hyderabad


Leads diversification of the product portfolio, monetizing the new products and ensuring successful sustained financial growth of the company top line.

Narendra Dalmia

CEO – Chief Executive Officer

Strata tenure: 14 years
Total industry experience: 42 years

B Tech (Chemical) – IIT Delhi


Leads day-to-day business operations of the company with focus on capacity expansion, product and process improvement.

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