Strata Global


The road is long, but Strata’s product virtues get you there

Steep slopes/retaining walls

Strata reinforced soil solutions are very well suited for use in highway grade separation and embankments. With the use of reinforced soil solutions as compared to conventional walls, embankments can be constructed:

Furthermore, reinforced soil technology offers various fascia options which include vertical walls with precast concrete blocks / panels and steep slopes with green or stone fascia.

Embankment slope protection/erosion control

Conventionally, stone pitching has been the preferred solution to reduce erosion. The availability of stones is posing a great challenge from an environmental and commercial standpoint.
helps to prevent erosion by effectively confining the topsoil within its three-dimensional frame. Locally available fertile soil can be used as an infill which can be further vegetated to provide a green finish, thus avoiding the use of expensive stones for slope protection. Installation is extremely simple and five times faster as compared to stone pitching.


Strata reinforcement solutions help in distributing the loads over a larger surface area and helps eliminate rutting and problems arising due to expansive soils. StrataWeb® and SGB Grids help in economizing the pavement sections by reducing the requirement of expensive quarried materials in the base and sub-base layers while providing a longevity.

Access roads

Strata ground improvement solutions help in strengthening the subgrade of access roads / unpaved roads, reduce differential settlements, are easy and rapid to construct, can be engineered for site-specific challenges and can make use of site won materials.

Embankment & ground improvement

Strata solutions are well-established to reduce the bearing pressures exerted by embankments on poor subgrades by spreading the loads uniformly over a wider area. This is a more economical option as compared to conventional solutions and presents a viable alternative in cases where intermediate improvement is required. StrataGrid™ HyTen range is highly effective for use in embankments over piles as a load transfer platform (LTP).

Drain lining

StrataWeb® is our cutting-edge geocell lining solution for chute drains and canals along highways. It is a tough, flexible, lightweight, perforated polymeric confinement system which is transported in its collapsed form, then unfolded/expanded onsite to form a honeycomb structure which is then laid out precisely and packed with evenly distributed aggregate material, making it a surprisingly efficient and economical alternative to the usual cumbersome methods.


We can supply you with a StrataWeb® package suited to your project specifications and offer technical design assistance as well.


A few of our effectively executed projects


From know-how to manufacture, installation and support

Strata not only provides geotechnical products, but our team of 200+ engineers can help you with your turnkey project by supplying you with technical knowhow and support as to how our products can help you finish your projects in time while keeping costs down.

Send us your queries and we will get back to you with our expertise.